Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Auditions – One Act Plays
We’re thrilled to announce auditions for our one act plays season to be presented at The PumpHouse Coal Bunker from 12th to 22nd April 2023. To express your interest (either acting or behind the scenes), please completed the form atbit.ly/one-act-auditions The plays are: Scorch by Stacey Gregg Directed by Lauren Wilson (She/They)Wurzel-Flummery by A.A Milne…
Shoreside Theatre welcomes expressions of interest from anyone interested in being involved in our 2022 Agatha Christie season. Initial auditions will be held on Saturday 30th April from 1:00 pm Express your interest at bit.ly/shoreside-auditions 27 July to 7 August 2022The PumpHouse Theatre, Takapuna ABOUT THE PLAY Through the thick fog of the English countryside, a…
2022 Season Update
After a precarious season of Shakespeare int he Park 2022 the committee are taking some time to consider our programme for 2022. We want to ensure we provide opportunities for our members, but that we safe-guard SHoreside’s long-term viability by not being caught out by a Covid-19 cancellation. Keep and eye on our social media…
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